I can not repeat myself and advice people, my family and friends to take vitamin D enough!!!
Its very impotant for us, especially women, our fertility, pregnancy, babies...
Here you go, one of the articles pointed his IMPORANT role for your body, which might changes your mind and opinion.
As per different studies,
deficiency od vitamin D causes following:
For the Mother
- Infertility
- Preeclampsia
- Gestational diabetes
- Increased rate of C-Section
- Bacterial vaginosis
For the Baby
- Small size (low birth weight)
- Impaired Growth
- Skeletal malformations, and sometimes brittle bones
- Seizures
- Hypocalcemia (low bone density)
- Type-1 Diabetes
For Both
- Bone loss
- Hip fractures
- Suppressed immune response
- Impaired hormone formation
- Poor mood and agitated thoughts
- Insulin resistance
Vitamin D deficiency is serious!!! Being deficient in vitamin D is one of the best ways to sabotage your health.
Still not convinced? Here are the top 5 reasons women need to take vitamin D:
1. Increases fertility
2. Prevents breast cancer
3. Strenghtens bones
4. Supports immunity
5. Avoids Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
So, are you getting enough? Vitamin D
counsel recommends you take a minimum of 1000 IU per 25 pounds (8kg) of body