The reason I decided to write this blog is very simple: I want to show all of you guys how easy cooking and living healthy can be. It takes just a small effort to implement some healthy ingredients into your creations and your body and soul will thank you.
Just replace white refined sugar with honey, stevia or coconut sugar, white refined flour with buckwheat or chickpea one, white pasta with gluten free one and you are half way through your better life.
Eat more raw vegetable and fruit, reduce/eliminate diary products and meat consumptions and you will notice positive it happened to me too.
Eat more raw vegetable and fruit, reduce/eliminate diary products and meat consumptions and you will notice positive it happened to me too.
You will find here many gluten free/sugar free/vegan/vegetarian/raw/organic recipes and ideas which will blow your mind off. That's how tasty and incredible easy they are!!!
You wondering why I decided to name this blog "Why Coco di bella"? Well, for me the coconut is one of the super healthy versatile ingredients. I am using it in almost every recipe, from oil to flour. And why "di bella"? That's what your life will become following my blog...beautiful!!!
You can also find me and follow me on instagram:
Enjoy x
You can also find me and follow me on instagram:
Enjoy x